Fathers Working From Home

Real dads share their thoughts on how working from home has changed their lives in a challenging but rewarding way. 

What's the best advice you can give to other work-from-home dads?

Have clearly defined work hours when you log off, be present with the children, don't keep checking work emails, etc. Try going for a walk after work to wind down and create distance between work and being a dad.

Ben,42, UK

The best advice I can give to other work from home dads is to make time for themselves. Make sure you get up from your desk or take a break from dad duties and take a lunch break, go to the gym, go for a walk, have time by yourself.

Nick, 35, UK

As you are always working from home, it can be tricky to turn off from work. My advice would be to turn off work notifications on your phone to be more present when you spend time with your family. 

Andreas, 32, Netherlands

At the start of lockdown, it was tough to work from home and take care of our toddler at the same time. But as time went by, we learned to organise our time and share responsibilities equally so that neither my wife nor I felt overwhelmed. My best advice is to become a team with your partner, and you'll never feel like things are getting out of hand.

Daniel, 38, USA

What's the best thing about being a work-from-home dad?

The best thing about being a work from home dad is being around for the family, being able to help around the house and help with the children, and being able to work and show the children that a good work ethic is essential.

Nick, 35, UK

The best thing is that I have some quality time with my son during the week. Before I worked from home, I had a commute of 1 to 1,5 hours. That meant I would probably see my son about 30 minutes a day. So I can genuinely say that I have a strong relationship with my son because of our time together.

Andreas,32, Netherlands

Not missing out on my kid's childhood moments is the best thing about working from home. I'm so thankful I get to be present for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But, especially this last year, I never gave it a second thought about how nice it is to be present in small things like these.

Lee, 52

The best thing about working from home is the hours' flexibility. I'm lucky that I'm in an organisation that understands parents and gives us the freedom to choose when we work. This set-up works so much better for me because I can balance life better than I did before.

Daniel, 38, USA

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