The war for talent is in full swing: therefore, in order to both attract and retain the best team members, it’s important to understand exactly what employees are looking for from your company.
We commissioned a nationwide Censuswide survey, looking at morale within the white-collar workplace at large and we would like to share the findings with you so you know what employees expect from the world of work and what kind of company culture you should be building to attract the right talent.
In this article we’re going to be sharing these insights with you: so let’s dive in and see what employees are looking for.
This is a UK-wide poll of white-collar workers - ranging from junior employees through to senior management, looking specifically at issues such as employee burnout, wider morale, the war for new talent, and the battle to keep employee churn low.
Download our study so you can have all of this information in one place and share it with your HR rep or Head of People.
We’ve Reached The Highest Point of Labour Shortages in The UK Than Ever Before
There are currently a record 1 million job vacancies open in the UK - a commonly held assumption is that this extends only to manual and blue-collar work (i.e. leisure, retail, construction), however, Juno’s data shows that the issue of shortages is rampant across white-collar sectors as well.
- Over 30% of white-collar bosses are currently struggling to fill vacant positions.
- A further 13% of bosses foresee this becoming an issue in the near future.
- 64% of employees believe their bosses are doing all they can to address shortages.
- 36% of bosses see management complacency as an issue that will worsen morale in the coming months.
Workplace Morale Is Low and Employees Are Subsequently Suffering
The findings of the report paint a dismal picture - with employees en masse suffering from burnout and low morale, while the number of those actively considering quitting their roles is very high: as high as three-quarters of all employees across the UK white-collar economy (including remote workers, hybrid workers, and office workers).
- An astonishing 57% of all employees are currently suffering from low morale in the workplace - rising to 62% in the 45-54 age bracket.
- A further 40% of employees say their firm is having to operate at a reduced capacity due to shortages.
- 15% of companies are seeing sales fall as they struggle to meet customer demand due to short staffing.
For a number of companies, this is creating a vicious circle where staff shortages worsen employee morale, which then increases employee turnover, which then exacerbates the economic impact of shortages on commercial performance.
High Levels of Stress and Burnout Are Affecting UK Workplaces
Across the UK economy, the impact of this vicious circle where staff shortages are worsening employee morale is accentuating issues around burnout, workplace toxicity, and stress.
These figures show just how employees within the UK are being affected by low workplace morale:
- 21% of employees across the white-collar economy now have a lack of care for the company they work for.
- 19% have said that their mental and physical health has suffered.
- 18% of employees believe that they now work in a toxic environment.
How You Can Win In The War For Talent and Solve The Labour Shortage in Your Company
When it comes to both retaining and attracting talent, one might expect salary demands to be the most prominent factor in why a job candidate may choose one role over another.
However, Juno’s data suggests that job candidates are much more concerned about their wellness at work, culture, and work-life balance than financial gain.
- Around 23% of respondents said that salary demands were the primary reason why a potential candidate chose a different job offer.
- A combined 58% of respondents said that a better work-life balance or workplace culture at the rival company, improved access to benefits (i.e. childcare, healthcare), and access to wellness tools were the factors behind why a prospective employee chose an alternative role.
Therefore, it’s clear that the employee wellbeing programme and more specifically the wellbeing benefits that your company offers, are an absolutely essential part of attracting the right talent and retaining existing employees.
The Takeaway by Ally Fekaiki (Juno Founder and CEO)
“What is clear from these findings is that employees want control over their work-life balance, control, and autonomy over the benefits they receive, and an end to the ‘at all costs’ approach to work which is leading to toxic workplaces and people suffering from low morale and motivation.
Employees care about financial remuneration but protecting culture, benefits that work for the individual, and work-life balance come up trumps.
For any business looking to hire in this cut-throat jobs market, my advice to you is to make sure you’re coming not only on top regarding salary but on pastoral care and wellness too.”

Want To Cultivate A Company Culture That Employees Are Looking For? We’re Here To Help
Juno is an all-in-one employee benefits platform that offers the largest marketplace of its kind, providing personalised benefits that empower employees to support their wellbeing in a way that suits them.
Say hello to hassle-free wellbeing for your team today and speak to one of our wellbeing experts, now.